Study of the IDGS Technique for Mixed Plutonium-Uranium (MOX) Samples

Duc T. Vo - Los Alamos National Laboratory
T. K. Li - Los Alamos National Laboratory
M. Sumi - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
M. Kobayashi - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
T. Suzuki - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
The isotope dilution gamma-ray spectrometry (IDGS) technique has been demonstrated for simultaneously measuring concentrations and isotopic compositions of plutonium in spent-fuel input dissolver solutions. For timely analyzing nuclear materials on the purpose of material accountancy and quality control/assurance, we have performed a feasibility study to implement the IDGS for measuring mixed plutonium-uranium oxide (MOX) samples at the Plutonium Fuel Center (PFC) of Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC). Proof-of-principle experiments and analyses have been conducted for developing simultaneous plutonium and uranium measurements in MOX samples from the MOX fuel fabrication process.