The strategic R&D plan for increasing the nuclear security in Korea

Sung-Woo Kwak - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hosik Yoo - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
Wan-Ki Yoon - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
Jung-Soo Kim - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
Sung-Soon Jang - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
Jae-Kwang Kim - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
According to Iran and North Korea's attempt to develop the nuclear weapon and an increasing the threat on the radiological terror, the international society has been making efforts to strengthening the regime of physical protection. As a part of these efforts, IAEA prepared the revision of the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material focused on the transportation of nuclear material. The revised CPPNM recommends the Member states to establish their systems of physical protection based on threat assessment. The International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism that contained the strong measures against nuclear terror was prepared by the UN. In order to keep up with these trends of international society, Korea promulgated and entered into forced a new 'Law for Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency'(LPPRE) in 2004. The establishment of the implementation system is essentially needed to construct the national regime of physical protection based on the legal and institutional system. Korea has a legal and institutional system but the implementation regime is not established yet. A detailed and long-term plan is also needed to the establishment of the effective implementation regime. This paper has been described the R&D plan for establishing and enhancing the implementation regime of domestic physical protection and providing the efficient ways for its implementation.