Strategic Plan for Implementing a Sustainable System of MC&A Equipment and Methodological Support at Rosatom Facilities

Victor Erastov - Rosatom, Russia
V. V. Sviridova - VNIIA
N. V. Isaev - VNIIA
V. A. Romanov - Rosatom
A. S. Sviridov - VNIIA
G. V. Titov - VNIINM
L. Neymotin - BNL
J. Sanders - INL
The Material Control and Accounting (MC&A) Equipment and Methodological Support (MEMS) Strategic Plan (SP) is a joint U.S.-Russian effort to coordinate improvements of the overall Russian MC&A system, assist the U.S.-Russian site team project teams to select, implement, and maintain MC&A equipment, and to improve methodological and regulatory support throughout the Rosatom facilities. The plan has been developed by Rosatom’s Russian MC&A Equipment and Methodologies (MEM) Working Group, with additional support and coordination from the MC&A Measurements Project under the U.S.-Russian Cooperative Material Protection, Control and Accounting (MPC&A) Program. The MEMS Strategic Plan covers the supply and implementation of MC&A equipment, as well as the development, attestation and implementation of measurement methodologies at the facility and industry levels. Additionally, through coordination with the Rosatom’s Russian Reference Material working group, determination of source and standard materials needed for effective MC&A are addressed, as are the development, attestation and implementation of source materials and related technical requirements. Implementation of the MEMS Strategic Plan relies on support from Rosatom as well as support and interaction with the U.S.-Russian working groups and the joint U.S.-Russian site teams. This interaction is necessary to obtain accurate data about the up-to-date status of MEM at the Rosatom facilities, to collect and analyze information about possible problems and current needs of different facilities, and to effectively solve and address those problems and needs. This paper presents the major direction and status of the activities conducted under the MEMS Strategic Plan, its mechanism of implementation, and discusses some specific high priority tasks in various areas.