The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission sets forth regulations for licensees in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR). To assist licensees and the public in understanding how to comply with the regulations, the NRC issues guidance documents known as regulatory guides. Regulatory guides contain acceptable methods for licensees to comply with NRC regulations. These guides only provide suggestions and do not contain any new or additional requirements beyond what is contained in 10 CFR. Regulatory guides provide guidance to licensees, applicants, and stakeholders on (1) implementing specific parts of the NRC's regulations, (2) techniques used by the NRC staff for evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, (3) data needed by the NRC staff for review of applications for permits or licenses, and (4) the preferred standard format and content for information submitted for NRC's approval of a specific program, license, permit, or certificate. During development, regulatory guides undergo extensive reviews by NRC staff, stakeholders, the public, and as appropriate, advisory committees to the NRC. NRC staff are currently revising all regulatory guides relating to material control and accounting (MC&A) of special nuclear material (SNM). This process will make the guides current to reflect both current technology and the current threat environment. The MC&A regulatory guides will also be consolidated into 11 guides covering all aspects of MC&A to provide licensees and the public with concise, understandable, and accurate information on complying with MC&A regulations. This paper will provide an overview of the current revision process and information on opportunities for public involvement throughout the process.