This paper provides a review and summary of the work accomplished by the Departmetn of Energy's Russia/NIS Nuclear Materials Security Task Force. the Russia/NIS Nuclear MAterials Security Task Force directs the Department of Energy's Program on Nuclear Materials Protection, Control and Accounting (MPC&A). The goal of this program is to dreduce the threat of nuclear proliferation by strengthening security at all sites in Russia,the Newly Independent States and the Baltic states that contain plutonium or high enriched uranium. DOE also assists the nuclear regulatory authorities in these countries in creating national systesm for nuclear material control and accounting. Beginning in 1994, DOE and its national laboratories have been working directly with technical experts in Russia, Ukraine, Kasakstan, Belarus, Latvia, Georgia, Uzbekistand, and Lithuania to improve nuclear material security. Cooperative work is now underway at over 40 sites in Russia, the Newly Independent States (NIS), and the Baltics. In 1996 DOE completed MPC&A upgrades at six sites in six countries, significantly reducing the threat of theft or diversion for significant quantities of weapons-usable nuclear material. By the end of 1997, DOE expects to have completed MPC&A upgrades at 15 more sites, improving secutiry for many tons of weapon-usable nuclear material in Russia, the NIS and the Baltics. This paper provides details on the nature of this work and on DOE's organizational plans to meet the objectives of the MPC&A program.