This paper outlines a successful trilateral cooperation between a non-governmental organization in the United States, a nuclear operating agency in Indonesia, and a UN institution in achieving their common goal of improving global nuclear security. In particular, it highlights how the Center for International Trade and Security (CITS) at the University of Georgia collaborated, in coordination with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), with Indonesia’s National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) in promoting good nuclear security culture practices nationally and internationally. As a result, Indonesia is now considered a success story and a role model for other countries to follow in this realm. Through a number of workshops, outreach events, and personal engagements within Indonesia and the Southeast Asian region from 2010 to 2012, the three stakeholders laid the groundwork for better nuclear security awareness and culture. The ultimate objective of Indonesia’s program for security culture and assessment is to be a regional leader in the area of nuclear security culture promotion, assessment, and enhancement. It will require the improved skills of the core group of BATAN’s experts and close cooperation with Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia’s leading university for training nuclear professionals.