This paper deals with one of the measures identified in the Program 93+2 to enhance international safeguards effectiveness and efficiency. This measure is related to increase cooperation between the IAEA and the SSAC in the implementation of safeguards. It is recognized that an effective SSAC could contribute to better safeguards. During hte discussion to strengthen the safeguard system different levels of cooperation between the IAEA and the SSAC were identified, depending on their features and capabilities. To start assessing the possibility of increasing this cooperation, a \"SSAC Questionnaire\" was submitted by the IAEA to Member States, EURATOM, and ABACC. At present, those questionnaires are being assessed by the IAEA in order to identify areas for further cooperation. One important aspect is the increased co-operation level that might be achieved when the methodology that IAEA might employ to audit the quality and performance of the SSAC regarding the different levels of such co-operation. This paper will also describe the features of the SSAC of Argentina emphasizing its capabilities and the various areas that might be considered to increase further co-operation with ABACC and the IAEA.