The commercial US nuclear utilities have been transferring spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from spent fuel pools (SFPs) to dry storage systems since 1986. SFPs were initially constructed for temporary storage, but without SNF reprocessing options in the United States and with no final disposal pathway yet available, SFPs started to reach capacity. Hence, to allow continued operation of the nation’s commercial nuclear reactor fleet, utilities started transferring SNF from SFPs (wet storage) to dry storage. Dry storage systems have evolved from storage-only systems first loaded in 1986 to the high-capacity dual-purpose storage and transport canisters used today. A question has arisen as to whether maximum canister capacity has been reached at the current capacity of ~50 kW heat load for storage, with 37-assembly pressurized water reactor and 89-assembly boiling water reactor canisters. This paper presents a holistic overview of commercial US SNF management practices over the years, the current SFP status in terms of filled (occupied) and empty (available) locations, the expected future reactor discharges, and the decay heat load distribution of SFP inventories as of June 2013. Finally, the paper makes a case that further increase in dry storage system capacity both in terms of number of assemblies and decay heat (1) is not needed, and (2) may not be practical from the cost-benefit perspective. b