J.A. Mullens - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
B.D. Geelhood - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
D.W MacArthur - Los Alamos National Laboratory
G. K. White - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
J.K. Wolford, Jr. - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.E. Vanier - Brookhaven National Laboratory
R. Whiteson - Los Alamos National Laboratory
The effort to define guidance for authentication of software for arms control and nuclear material transparency measurements draws on a variety of disciplines and has involved a synthesis of established criteria and practices with some new ones. Challenges include the need for protection of classified information that the software manipulates, and the rapid pace of innovation in the technology of nuclear material monitoring. The resulting guidance will shape the design of future systems and inform the process of authentication of instruments now being developed. This paper explores the technical issues underlying the guidance and presents its major tenets.