Within the past several years, the Safeguards and Security Section of the Department of Energy Complex has seen many changes take place. Clearly, the business climate is evolving, and methodologies utilizing positive changes must be incorporated for the improvement of the Complex. One of the key areas identified within this effort involves training and more specifically, the training approach in the area of Material Control and Accountability. This approach, now formalized, is driven in part through the initiation of DOE Order 5633.3a. This order refers to training techniques in a wide range of Safeguards areas, not the least of which is in the Material Control and Accounting, (MC&A), area. As part of Mound's Site Training Manual, Systems Manual 112, the Safeguards group at Mound has been progressive in applying Performance Based Training methodology to various aspects of the Safeguards Training Program. This includes classroom training, on-the-job (CUT) training, and offsite training as sponsored through the Central Training Academy. This paper will revolve around training efforts for line operating personnel in their day-to-day operations.