Simulation of High Level Neutron Coincidence Counter

Ming-Shih Lu - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Theodor Teichmann - Brookhaven National Laboratory
An algorithm for the simulation of HLNC measurement data on a personal computer (PC) has been developed and is presented in this paper. This algorithm is based on a leakage multiplication factor—fissile mass correlation (with three parameters) derived from about 100 sets of published experimental data. Using this algorithm, the simulated totals and reals (coincidence pair) count rates agreed with all measurement data to within 10%. Uncertainties in isotopics as well as the effects of possible contaminants--- fluorine or moisture—have also been modelled, but are not discussed in detail in this condensed account. The algorithm has been tested successfully against additional data obtained in field measurements. PC software based on the simulation algorithm has been developed for training inspectors and familiarizing them with HLNC measurement data and with errors affecting HLNC measurements.