SIMS Particle Analysis at the IAEA Safeguards Analytical Laboratory

F. Ruedenauer - IAEA/ Safeguards Analytical Laboratory
Y. Kuno - IAEA/ Safeguards Analytical Laboratory
D. Donohue - IAEA/ Safeguards Analytical Laboratory
P.M. Hedberg - IAEA/ Safeguards Analytical Laboratory
S. Vogt - IAEA/ Safeguards Analytical Laboratory
M. Kohl - IAEA/ Safeguards Analytical Laboratory
The rationale for introducing particle analysis of environmental samples for Safeguards is that the history of all processes performed in a nuclear facility is reflected in the isotopic composition of individual dust particles. Mass spectrometric determination of the isotopic composition of individual dust particles and compilation of the isotopic signature of the dust particle population should reveal if undeclared processes have been taken place in that facility. Samples are taken by IAEA inspectors inside the facilities under Safeguards, using a “swiping” technique.