A discussion of intrusion detection sensor self-testing and the implications related to the operation of a security system is described in this paper. Sensor manufacturers have designed and employ various methods of sensor self-testing, not all of which are compatible with the operating software of most current security systems, or the mission, needs, and requirements of the security organization. Historically, self-testing has been used by system maintenance personnel rather than system operations. Maintenance technicians use self testing as a method of troubleshooting. The concern is that security organizations do not understand the lack of sensor self-testing efficacy in meeting the requirement to periodically test sensor operability. The growing trend to use self-testing as an operational tool to determine sensor effectiveness may not be in security’s best interest. In some situations, a physical walk test by a qualified technician is the only acceptable test of a sensor. Examples of self-testing, and details of specific elements of the tested device are discussed in this paper. This paper will also discuss the desirable, and undesirable qualities of each type of sensor’s self-testing feature.