An operationally effective physical security system must embody the full Security System Life Cycle (SSLC) process. SSLC embraces the conventional Design and Evaluation Process Outline (DEPO) for Physical Protection Systems (PPS), but places additional emphasis on the implementation, operation/sustainment, retirement/replacement, and reassessment stages. The SSLC process comprises four focus areas: evaluation, implementation, sustainability, and reassessment. Evaluation provides information for the conceptual physical protection design that considers how the PPS is integrated with other site functions such as material control and accounting, information security, fire protection, and emergency response. In order for the conceptual PPS design to be approved, it must be analyzed to determine if the PPS objectives have been met and that the system risk has been sufficiently reduced. Once approved, the conceptual design is implemented and operation begins. Full and effective operation requires the supporting activities of proper policies, personnel, procedures, training, and administration. Equally important is sustaining the system. Finally, reassessment must occur in the SSLC process to determine timely retirement/replacement of the system or subsystems and to accommodate new threats or requirements. Reassessment is an ongoing process through out the system’s life. A key advantage of the SSLC perspective is the ability to see the need to include elements like implementation and sustainability in the early evaluation stage. Further, it allows for easier identification of the different skills mix required to successfully accomplish all stages of the life cycle. This paper documents and describes the full SSLC process. By considering the full SSLC process from the onset of a project, issues may be precluded or minimized that may arise when systems are designed without considering all phases during the system’s useful life.