In New York State (NYS) approximately 1300 facilities are licensed to possess and use radioactive materials (RAM); more than 70 facilities possess inventories exceeding 1000 Curie. NYS regulates these facilities under agreement with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). At the request of the NYS Office of Public Security, organized soon after September 11, 2001, the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Energy Assurance (now part of the Department of Homeland Security) supported surveys of security at selected non-reactor facilities with large RAM inventories. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) led the survey teams, and appropriate NYS licensing authorities participated. The surveys identified the current state of security practice in the areas of access control, inventory management, personnel management and training. Facility managers were observed to be generally prudent, conscientious and proactive in upgrading security practices. However, resources are finite and vulnerability cannot be completely mitigated. The approach to improving the security of RAM against the possibility of intentional malevolent use must be graded to allocate resources most effectively. Improved security must address the real physical risk associated with misuse and the economic risks associated with clean-up costs and loss of critical infrastructure use. The graded approach would consider the amount and half-life, physical and chemical forms of the radioactive materials, accessibility during storage and use, location of the facility including population of surrounding area, and existing protective systems. Task force recommendations in areas of intelligence sharing, background investigations, inventory and accountancy, licensing and enforcement, outreach, legacy sources, waste management, and transportation are presented.