On November 10, 1988, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published a regulation which modified 10 CFR 73.46 to include the search of all packages entering the protected area. In addition, the NRC published implementing guidelines entitled NUREG 1329 \"Entry/Exit control at Fuel Fabrication Facilities Using Or Possessing Formula Quantities of Strategic Special Nuclear Materials.\" This paper further elaborates the application of that requirement and associated guidance. The requirement of searching all incoming packages creates interesting and difficult problems. Many packages must be opened in a special environment, and some packages are pressurized. Some material is complex and difficult to search, and some material is hazardous. Such special handling requires specialized training of the searching personnel. This paper provides insight into the package search problem, and presents specific examples and solutions. It also contains a discussion and comparison of machine and hand searching along with the requirements for the extensive training.