The Joint ESARDA-INMM Workshop on Science and Modern Technology for Safeguards was held in Arona, Italy, October 28-31,1996. It was attended by some 120 participants, consisting principally of scientists from various disciplines and safeguards experts from the inspectorates. The Workshop provided a full discussion on several near- and far-term scientific technologies that may be applied to safeguards. In addition, there were extended discussions on the social and political aspects surrounding the areas of Non-Proliferation, International Safeguards, and Regional Safeguards. The general opinion was that the Workshop met or exceeded its goals, setting the stage for future workshops of this type. One of the outstanding characteristics of this workshop was the ample amount of time allowed for full discussion of each presentation. This procedure was substantially different from the usual ESARDA and INMM meetings. A second \"Workshop on Science and Modern Technology for Safeguards\" will be held in Albuquerque, NM, USA, in the Autumn of 1998.