As the design authority for the SAVY 4000 nuclear material storage container, Los Alamos National Laboratory continues to lead a DOE complex-wide effort to meet the challenge for nuclear worker safety. Since the approval of the Safety Analysis Report for the SAVY 4000 in April, 2014, which established an initial design life for the container of five years, the program has implemented a surveillance program to ensure the containers continue to meet their design intent during use. Accelerated aging experiments are also underway at LANL to extend the design life. Los Alamos has also managed container procurement and provided quality assurance oversight of NFT, Inc., which has manufactured over 2,200 SAVY 4000 containers for use at six DOE facilities. An update to the Safety Analysis Report is planned to broaden the allowed nuclear material contents, to incorporate a new 2-Quart design, and to request an extended design life for the container series. The container has also been subjected to DOT Type A testing for both liquids and solids. This presentation will provide a status report on the SAVY 4000 storage program.