Safeguards Verification Concept for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Tapani P Honkamaa - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
Mikael Moring - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
Topi Tupasela - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
Riina E Virta - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
Peter Dendooven - Helsinki Institute of Physics
Christos Koutsoyannopoulos - European Commission
Marita Mosconi - European Commission
Mentor Murtezi - European Commission
Juha Pekkarinen - European Commission
Ali Zein - European Commission
Kirill Khrustalev - International Atomic Energy Agency
Courtney Ames - International Atomic Energy Agency
Romano Plenteda - International Atomic Energy Agency

Finland is developing a national safeguards concept for disposal of spent nuclear fuel in a geological repository, taking into account inputs from EC and IAEA SG inspectorates. The disposal is planned to start around 2025. It is imperative that the fuel will be verified before disposal, since after disposal
the fuel will be inaccessible forever. An NDA verification system with two simultaneous methods, PGET (Passive Gamma Emission Tomography) and PNAR (Passive Neutron Albedo Reactivity), has been built and tested. Measurement time needed is about 5 minutes. Selected methods may
complement each other which greatly enhances the verification performance of the system as a whole. Measurements will initially be conducted at the shipping facility in the intermediate storage pools, before transfer of the fuel to the encapsulation plant. The verification process aims to be unattended
by the inspectorates and automated, so it needs to be under continuous remote surveillance. Measurements shall create credible assurance that the declaration of the fuel is correct and complete. To ensure that the preservation of knowledge is maintained, the collected data will be stored for future
generations who will not have access to the fuel itself. The data analysis shall be concluded before the transfer of the fuel from the wet storage to the encapsulation plant, so the verification process shall be designed to consider operational requirements of the nuclear operators as well as of the
inspectorates. This paper describes the verification process envisaged and identifies the processes which need to be developed.