Safeguards Training in Virtual Environments: Pilot Developments at the IAEA

Carlos Olivieri - International Atomic Energy Agency
Susan E. Pickett - International Atomic Energy Agency
Chris Owens - Applied Research Associates
Teofilo Molto-Caracena - European Commission Joint Research Centre
In 2012, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) applied safeguards for 179 States with safeguards agreements in force, implementing safeguards at 692 facilities. To support the IAEA mission, the Safeguards Training Section of the IAEA Department of Safeguards holds over 100 training courses yearly to help safeguards inspectors and analysts develop the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. Virtual training environments have the potential to help broaden the spectrum of possible training activities and techniques, enhance the effectiveness of existing courses, optimize off-site training activities, and possibly increase trainee motivation and accelerate learning. Virtual environments provide the opportunity to train under different scenarios not possible in real facilities. In order to take full advantage of virtual environments to train safeguards analysts and inspectors, the Safeguards Training Section is collaborating with IAEA Member States to develop and evaluate virtual facilities and interactive training tools. This paper outlines the collaborative project development, design and implementation of tools developed with Member State Support Programmes (MSSPs); evaluation with the designated user group; and assessment of the learning process and pedagogic approach. Possible improvements are suggested to enhance the learning experience for safeguards inspectors and analysts and how to optimally integrate virtual environments developed for training into the overall IAEA safeguards operational toolbox.