The two key components of any safeguards regime are trained, experienced personnel and reliable equipment. These two components share a common necessary element – training. Training represents a cornerstone of an effective sustainable safeguards regime. This paper illustrates the impact training can have on the long-term sustainability of safeguards systems. Ever-changing technology and turnover in experienced inspectors and support personnel present a challenge to promoting effective life-cycle support of currently employed systems as well as newly developed and emerging safeguards systems. In addition to providing entry-level training and continuing education for inspectors and support personnel, there is a need to capture and exploit the corporate knowledge of experienced personnel. This mining of the corporate experience and turning it into useful information will ensure successful development of new safeguards systems as well as the effective and economical employment and maintenance of systems in the field. The International Atomic Energy Agency recognizes this challenge and is examining potential activities that will enhance current training and expand the role of training in international safeguards.