The Third International Meeting on Next Generation Safeguards (NGS3) held in Washington, DC on 14-15 December 2010 focused on the Safeguards-by-Design (SBD) concept. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) describes Safeguards-by-Design as a concept where “international safeguards are fully integrated into the design process of a new nuclear facility from the initial planning through design, construction, operation, and decommissioning.” The United States Department of Energy (DOE) initiated a project by way of its Next Generation Safeguards Initiative to establish a global norm for applying SBD. The DOE’s Next Generation Safeguards Initiative SBD program, developing in parallel with similar efforts at the IAEA; takes into account the IAEA’s SBD achievements and future plans. The Next Generation Safeguards Initiative program is pursuing the establishment of a SBD global norm through DOE laboratory studies, international workshops, industrial engagements, and working with the IAEA. The program is setting an example by way of applying SBD principles to the design of new nuclear facilities in the United States. During the Washington, DC workshop, a subset of the meeting participants became the MOX (mixed uranium and plutonium oxide) Fuel Fabrication Facility working group. As a group, we discussed facility operator approaches for safe and economical operations, safeguards requirements, along with design requirements to support nuclear material accountancy. The group looked at tools for a toolbox to assist designers and operators, and reviewed some lessons learned and experiences from plant operators. This paper will report on the discussion topics and present details of the final recommendations of this NGS3 working group in integrating safeguards-by-design early in the facility design process for MOX fuel fabrication facilities.