An Accelerator Driven System (ADS) utilizes a particle beam to bombard a target that generates spallation neutrons, which are subsequently used to transmute fertile material into fissile material, or to burn minor actinides in spent fuel. However, a Safeguards Approach has not been developed for potential ADS facilities. In this study, fissile material production rates were estimated using a new and simplified model, illustrating that ADS facilities could produce significant quantities of fissile material of concern to the IAEA. The Belgian MYRRHA ADS concept and its publications were used as a starting point for a Safeguards Approach, although a generic approach was ultimately used. We considered in detail the full ADS system to include material balance areas for spent fuel receiving, reprocessing, storage & cooling, fuel fabrication, subcritical reactor area, and waste storage & handling. Furthermore, aqueous-based separation methods like PUREX cannot tolerate the intense heat of the ADS fuels, so pyroprocessing will likely be required. We find that the recycled fuels likely intended for ADS will be thermally and radioactively hot to such a degree that it is likely reprocessing and fuel fabrication will have to be co-located with the ADS reactor facility to avoid impractical hot fuel transportation issues. We also conclude that significant diagnostic development is needed, and provide safeguards recommendations.