Safeguards and Security Cost Effectiveness During Facility Downsizing/Transitioning

H. Rodney Martin - New Brunswick Laboratory
During the current period of facility downsizing and transitioning to new mission, the need for improved efficiencies in safeguards and security effectiveness keeps rising. A large number of methods have been identified to accomplish safeguards and security objectives within established criteria of constrained budgets and limited resources. Techniques that can be used include consolidation of inventories, personnel, and resources; cost avoidance, use of alternative mechanisms, coordination with other facility functions, etc. It should be recognized that many of the techniques proposed rely on facility and nuclear material storage situation. In this report, an attempt will be made to identify, review and expand on a number of mechanisms that can be utilized to promote cost effectiveness in safeguards and security programs. One of the major factors that can benefit cost effectiveness is consolidation, and this factor will continue to play a major role in enabling facilities to meet safeguards and security objectives. In addition to identifying other factors for consideration, mechanisms for utilizing innovative technologies and nontraditional resources will also be presented.