Safeguards and Security Considerations for Automated and Robotic Systems

Cal Jaeger - Sandia National Laboratories
Sabina E. Jordan - Sandia National Laboratories
Within the reconfigured Nuclear Weapons Complex there will be a large number of automated and robotic (A&R) systems because of the many benefits derived from their use. To meet the overall security requirements of a facility, consideration must be given to those systems that handle and process nuclear material. Since automation and robotics is a relatively new technology, not widely applied to the Nuclear Weapons Complex, safeguards and security (S&S) issues related to these systems have not been extensively explored, and no guidance presently exists. The goal of this effort is to help integrate S&S into the design of future A&R systems. Towards this, we first examined existing A&R systems from a security perspective to identify areas of concern and possible solutions to these problems. We then were able to develop generalized S&S guidance and design considerations for automation and robotics.