An important issue in impriving the Russian State System if MC&A is the implementation of statistical methods both for closing material balances and for controlling results of accountancy measurements. Despite a high level of Russian reasearch in the field of applied statistics, the statistical methods had not found practical application at the Russian nuclear facilities by the time when the Russian Statistical Working Group (RSWG) was created. The RSWG was formed within the framework of the joint US-Russian pprogram for collaboration in nuclear safeguards, and it includes representatives from Minatom, Gosatomnadsor, leading Russian Institutes, and nuclear facilities. The purpose of the group is to promote the implementation of statistical methods with the of improving the present Russian MC&A procedures. Specifically, the objectives of the RSWG are to a) identify and develop statistical concepts and methods suitable for application to the Russian MC&A system, b) promote and encourage training in the use of these methosds, and c) aid in incorporation of these methods into the national regulatory documents and industry-wide standards. So far, the RSWG developed recommendations for a future Russian regulatory document on statistical evaluation of nuclear material inventory differences by using national (Russian and American) and international experience.