Russian Methodology&Training Center (RMTC) in next five years

S. Guardini - Joint Research Center -- Ispra
D. Dickman - PNNL
V. V. Talanov - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering
C Crawford - PNNL
V. Goryunov - RMTC-IPPE
V. Shapsha - RMTC-IPPE
B. Ryazanov - RMTC-IPPE -- Obninsk, Russia
G. Pshakin - RMTC-IPPE -- Obninsk, Russia
The plans of RMTC activities for 2004-2008 are presented. The organizational structure of RMTC at present is demonstrated. The following directions of RMTC activities are discussed-The training (stationary RMTC training courses, mobile training courses, distance learning based on CD-ROMs, other RMTC capabilities in training); Development of the new and enhancement of existing training courses and its modules, training-oftrainers and increasing their qualifications; Information and publications activities; Russian nuclear facilities assistance for MC&A practical implementation and training its personnel; Scientific and practical activities of RMTC personnel (development of regulations and legislation documents on federal and industry level, as well as for working nuclear facilities and organizations internal documents, development of specialized software for creation of the facilities internal documents at MBA level, development of specification for required reference materials, development and testing of NDA methods, calibration and testing NDA equipment using certified reference materials, other RMTC capabilities); Participation of RMTC trainers in general educational NPT activities. Information presented will allow interested organizations and experts to establish cooperation with RMTC on their personnel training and methodological assistance on MC&A.