The core for future development of peaceful nuclear energy in the world could possibly be Asia. Following the examples of Japan and Korea, China has announced an ambitious expansion of its nuclear power programme. Meanwhile, Southeast Asian states have also shown keen interest in developing their own domestic nuclear power programmes. To maintain adequate worldwide nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation efforts, the implementation of nuclear safeguards is vital. The IAEA NPT safeguards system is a typical, and presently the only, international system. Though some important countries have not joined this system, this is considered to be the foundation for an international nonproliferation framework. In addition to this system, there are some regional and bilateral safeguards systems around the world. EURATOM safeguards is one of these examples, ABACC safeguards is the other. The author has considered the possibility of establishing a regional safeguards system in Asia. Such a system could assist smooth implementation of IAEA safeguards in the region, and it could also serve as a tool for confidence building measures by regional security. This paper discusses the rationale, purpose and conditions for establishing and implementing such a regional system. It also compares regional systems and bilateral ones, as well as relations between international and regional (bilateral) systems.