Robotics Applications for the Staging of Weapon Components

Frank Martin - Sandia National Laboratories
Billy Caskey - Sandia National Laboratories
As the U.S. nuclear stockpile is reduced, large numbers of nuclear components must be placed in storage. The necessity for periodic inventories of these components as well as the act of placement of the components in storage areas could result increased radiation exposure to operations personnel. The use of robotics can significantly reduce or even eliminate such exposure. ATI automated system is being designed in a project at Sandia Laboratories to allow an operator to remotely stack and retrieve component containers in storage areas using a robotic loader and a portable control console. The operator need not enter the storage area. Operator commands for the loader would be implemented through a supervisory architecture to insure that the loader did not violate safety constraints. Individual aspects of the loader's activities would be automated to reduce possible operator errors for many repetitive tasks. The loader will be outfitted with appropriate sensors so ithat the supervisory controller can enforce safe operations. The system will be configured so mat monitoring of components for accountability can be accomplished.