The Rise In Cyber Security Risk In The Utilization Of Iot Devices In Nuclear Facilities

Christopher A. Runyan-Beebe - Sandia National Laboratoies, Albuquerque
Anne Richmond - Sandia National Laboratoies, Albuquerque

As internet and networking technology has grown, there has been a great expansion in capabilities and technologies that can connect to the internet and other devices. This expansion and the connectivity of computing devices has led to the term Internet of Things (IoT). IoT encompasses devices considered 'smart' devices, appliances, and embedded wearable systems such as watches and tracking systems. Unfortunately, with this great expansion and the capability to turn anything into a communication device, cyber security has lagged behind. There are case studies showing the lack of fundamental security protocol implementation has create gaps and allowed for illicit cyber actors to gain access to previously thought secured networks. This paper will examine some of the fundamental issues with IoT implementation and how commercial companies, that develop IoT equipment, have been lacking in their cyber security frameworks. Through case study example, we will examine some of the uncommon areas where security gaps have been identified, to include areas that are generally not thought of as part of IoT. The final part of the paper will look at the steps needed to insure that nuclear facilities have corrective measures and frameworks to prevent these devices from opening networks to illicit cyber actors.