Currently available avtive or passive electronic toagging systems either require a large and costly porthol monitoring antenna with limited interrogation range(a few tens of centimeters) or a physical connection to the electronic tag. this has prompted the development of a battery operated ative electronic RF tags that have the capability to communicate with a small transceiver over distances of p to few tens of meters. the resultin device allows the user to read many tags at the same time, and the lifetime of each tag will be several years.These inxpensive active asset tags communicarte via radio signals (RF) with networked transceivers to collect the asset location and status information. as a result, hte proposed sub-inventory tracking, that is, tracking of assets within an asset (Tags with stored data such as information about the computer circuits and the internal memory boards.). the uniqueness of the system is achieved by the used of advanced RF and software technology, allowing monitoring in realtime of assets that are spread over many locations and integration of the colected data with the organization inventory as well as the security control.