In 2010 and 2011, the U.S. and U.K. undertook a warhead monitored dismantlement (WMD) exercise to investigate methods for how two nuclear countries could verify each other’s compliance in an arms reduction treaty. Back stories were created for Tachonia (played by the U.S.) and Avalonia (played by the U.K.). The two fictional countries negotiated the use of both non- destructive analysis (NDA) measurement equipment and chain-of-custody (CoC) equipment for use during the monitoring regime. Avalonia and Tachonia then negotiated a monitoring protocol including procedural details for the use of the monitoring equipment. The exercise culminated with a monitoring visit to verify the dismantlement of an Avalonian warhead. The exercise monitoring protocol is described and lessons learned for the joint design process, managed access to sensitive host facilities, monitoring procedures and equipment design are discussed. Ongoing work that is implementing the lessons learned from the exercise is also briefly described.