The objective of international nuclear safeguards is the timely detection of the diversion of nuclear materials in peaceful nuclear programs for use in nuclear weapons or other explosive devices. In safeguarding nuclear materials, design information verification of facilities, establishment of a materials control and accountancy (MC&A) system, the implementation of a containment and surveillance system, along with an inspection regime are of fundamental importance to creating overall confidence in a nation’s adherence to its international obligations. The MC&A activity is supported by nondestructive physical measurements. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has been at the forefront of research and development in nondestructive measurement techniques for identifying and quantifying key attributes of nuclear materials since the field of measurement sciences for verification began. Nondestructive assay (NDA) entails quantifying some attribute of nuclear material—such as enrichment, relative isotopic composition, or mass—using penetrating signatures so that the item can be measured intact with minimal or no preparation. In this paper, we review some of the exciting work currently ongoing at LANL. Most of the examples we provide involve measuring neutrons, photons, or heat naturally emitted by the items under study. We conclude with thoughts on emerging challenges and opportunities such as the need for improvements in basic nuclear data.