Review on the Categorization of Spent Fuel

Sangcheol Hyung - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
Jeong-ho Lee - Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation And Control
A review on the categorization of spent fuelIt is necessary to transport the spent fuel for reprocessing or permanent disposal, and physical protection during transport is important. However, CPPNM writes that it would be open to states, upon evlauation of the specific circumstnaces, to assign a different category of physical protection(ANNEX II, footnote d). When transporting nuclear materials internationally, including spent fuel, there are many states involved such exporting states, importing states, transit states, and flag states. And they assign different categories for spent fuel. As a result, the exporting state will have to meet the highest ranking of the states concerned, which does not fit the principle of graded approach. Also, CPPNM writes that other fuel which by virtue of its original fissile material content is classified as category I and II before irradiation may be reduced one category level while the radiation level from the fuel exceed 100 rads/hour at one meter unshielded (ANNEX II, footnote d). If so, it is questionable whether the material that was category III before irradiation cannot be reduced one category level even if the radiation level is high. CPPNM is the only convention in the field of nuclear security in which member states have a duty to fulfill. It is necessary to consider the special circumstances of the member states, but it is also necessary to establish unifiedstandards in CPPNM since physical protection event during international transport affects various states. I would like to discuss the lack of CPPNM on the classification of spent fuel.