The results of joint cooperation of Luch and U.S. National Laboratories (DOE) on development, organization, implementation and operation of the integrated Physical Protection System of nuclear buildings complex, Luch territory, and transportation of Nuclear Material are presented in the report. The stages of work on system upgrade are described according to their priority. Stage 1 - Implementation of immediate upgrade of separate PPS components in buildings, including organization of accesses control posts. Training of Luch experts to methods and approaches to the analysis of system, probable threats and adequacy of planned protection measures. Stage 2 - Realization of improvements of NM transportation inside Luch territory. Equipping of a safe material storage area based on the Central Storage Facility by elements of early detection, access control and video surveillance. Creation of the structured underground cable network of Luch on the basis of copper and optical fiber. Construction of a new Central Alarm Station and its equipping by modern means. Installation of trunking radio communication system to support operative communication of guard forces. Stage 3 - Step-by-step equipping of nuclear buildings by basic elements of Physical Protection System. Integration (interconnection) of separate buildings into a unified complex of control and management of Nuclear Material safety. Reconstruction of early detection and delay systems on a protected area perimeter. Creation of badges manufacturing system with use of plastic cards. Control of correct use of the acquired equipment and of committed finances during implementation of upgrade was assigned to the group of Luch experts. After the end of large stages of work joint acceptance of stages with participation of the U.S. experts and representative U.S. delegations were carried out. Photos of visits of Luch by delegations of U.S. Congress and General Accounting Office are presented in the report. In the conclusion the positive results of joint cooperation on the approach and creation of PPS at Luch are noticed, gratitude to the experts of USA National Laboratories (DOE) and Minatom RF are expressed and the further joint cooperation directions are proposed.