Results and Experience of 10 Years of US-Ukraine Cooperation in the MPC&A Field at the Kiev Institute for Nuclear Research

Greg Sheppard - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Phil Robinson - National Nuclear Security Administration
Victor Gavrilyuk - Institute for Nuclear Research
Ivan N. Vishnevski - GKTC
Olena P. Romanova - Institute for Nuclear Research
The Institute for Nuclear Research of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was the first Ukrainian organization to begin the implementation of Agreements of October 25 and December 18, 1993 between Ukraine and the US. Over a relatively short period of time and with the financial, technical and methodological assistance of the US DOE, the Institute for Nuclear Research was able to develop a modern system of physical protection of nuclear materials and its Research Reactor. The rapid progress of this work was aided by the diligence of the US-Ukraine group (Argonne and Sandia National Labs and the Institute for Nuclear Research) under the supervision of George Kuzmycz, a US DOE employee, and prompt resolution of numerous issues by the government authorities of the USA and Ukraine. The fresh fuel and nuclear materials storage were established in full compliance with international requirements. A modern MC&A system was developed at the Institute for Nuclear Research with the US assistance as well. The experience gained during the work with the Institute for Nuclear Research was used successfully by the US and Ukrainian parties at other nuclear facilities of Ukraine. The advanced training of Ukrainian specialists organized by the US DOE has played a very important role in the efficient use of the US Government assistance. Later on the Training Center for Physical Protection, Control and Accounting of Nuclear Material, named in honor of the late George Kuzmycz, was established at the Institute for Nuclear Research with the US assistance as well.