A large number of approaches to proliferation assessment have been developed or are currently under development. These tools are used by a number of different types of users for a range of purposes. Continued dialogue about these tools and approaches is a valuable way to help prevent inconsistent application or misuse of the technologies. A workshop was held at Texas A&M University from February 23-25, 2010 to provide a venue for users and developers to explore these assessment methodologies. This workshop was organized by the INMM Standing Committee on Proliferation Assessments and Methodologies and hosted by the Texas A&M University Student Chapter of INMM. The workshop had 65 participants from a diverse mix of organizations including academia, national laboratories, industry, government, and the IAEA. At the workshop, developers discussed the status of the field and current research. Users discussed the current and anticipated needs to which assessment and methodology approaches could contribute. Panel sessions were held to discuss future needs for a path forward for these approaches. The workshop focused heavily on proliferation resistance methods but proliferation risk analysis, material attractiveness assessment, statistical analyses to assess proliferation determinants, and quantitative analysis to estimate the likelihood a State will proliferate were also discussed. This paper presents the workshop structure, questions studied, and findings from the workshop.