As a part of the strengthening measures of Safeguards, the IAEA decided to introduce SNRI (Short Notice Random Inspection) at LEU fuel fabrication plants. In Japan, the SNRI has been conducted at one fuel fabrication plant since January 1998 as a routine practice. Since the SNRI is being carried out without any significant problem, and as a result of the application of SNRI, it is apparent that the SNRI is effective and efficient as one of the SSS (Strengthened Safeguards System) measures. Therefore, the Agency required to expand the SNRI regime to all other fuel fabrication facilities in 1999 and all fuel fabrication facilities has been prepared to acceptance of the SNRI. In the case of MNF, it was decided to start the SNRI rehearsal from March 1999 and after the trial, the actual implementation will be started from July 1999. The introduction of SNRI for all other facilities will also planned at almost the same time. The fuel fabrication process of MNF is different from other facilities because of MNF covers the processes from the conversion of UF, to fuel assembling for PWR. This report describes the outline of the SNRI introduced at MNF and also discusses the problems.