Remote Monitoring Transparency Program

Rebecca Horton - Sandia National Laboratories
John Matter - Sandia National Laboratories
Kenneth B. Sheely - U.S. Department of Energy
Vladimir Sukhoruchkin - Kurchatov Institute
Anthony czajkowski - Us. Depwtmmt of Energy
V.M. Shmelev - Kurchatov Institute
A.N. Roumiantsev - Kurchatov Institute
C.D. Croessmann - Sandia National Laboratories
The objective of the Remote Monitoring Transparency Program is to evaluate and demonstrate the use of remote monitoring technologies to advance nonproliferation and transparency efforts that are currently being developed by Russia and the United States without compromising the national security of the participating parties. Under a lab-to-lab transparency contract between Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and the Kurchatov Institute (KI RRC), the Kurchatov Institute will analyze technical and procedural aspects of the application of remote monitoring as a transparency measure to monitor inventories of direct-use HEU and plutonium (e.g., material recovered from dismantled nuclear weapons). A goal of this program is to assist a broad range of political and technical experts in learning more about remote monitoring technologies that could be used to implement nonproliferation, arms control, and other security and confidence building measures. Specifically, this program will: 1) begin integrating Russian technologies into remote monitoring systems; 2) develop remote monitoring procedures that will assist in the application of remote monitoring techniques to monitor inventories of HEU and Pu from dismantled nuclear weapons; and 3) conduct a workshop to review remote monitoring fi.mdamentals, demonstrate an integrated U.S./Russian remote monitoring system, and discuss the impacts that remote monitoring will have on the national security of participating countries.