Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is operating CMS (Central Monitoring Station) and MSTL (Monitoring System and Technology Lab.) for Remote Monitoring. The purpose of CMS is to monitor and review the on-going test of remote monitoring at reactors and MSTL is to test and evaluate the network data and check out the reliability of the communication data. Currently, 11 reactors are operated with Remote Monitoring System. In the near future, all reactors will be installed with RMS. Now, CMS is communicating with the IAEA via Frame Relay (56kbps, dedicated telephone line). And from the nuclear power plants to CMS, it is done by way of PSTN (10 - 15 Kbps). Their costs are relatively high. We consider using Internet due to inherent nature of cost free transmission. However, it has an intrinsic problem of security. Virtual Private Network (VPN) has emerged as a solution to tackle this problem, which is widely used in banking and franchise industries. It was tested to mock up the same system with RMS at nuclear power plant with VPN and an Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL). ADSL was used to set up independent network because reactors and KAERI do not allow using their network due to security. Evaluation includes security, reliability and cost. The result from the test was downloaded from the server without loss of data.