Wan Ki Yoon - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Remote monitoring was introduced to safeguards as a new technology under the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Programe 93+2. Since then, through field trials of the IAEA and the IRMP (International Remote Monitoring Program), remote monitoring was accepted in real use of implementation. It offers advantages for nuclear material safeguards such as reduction in frequency and amount of inspection, exposure in hazardous environments, low intrusiveness to facility operators, and cost. Remote monitoring can play a key role in increased transparency as a measure of confidence building without creating much conflict utilizing low intrusiveness of remote monitoring to facilities and countries among countries with nuclear programs. Usual confidence building measures are a step by step approach by civilians and scholars through informal channels for events such as training and seminars to share information and increase opportunities to understand each other. Often it is a costly and time consuming process. Once remote monitoring is in place, no other measures can be compared for transparency in effectiveness and quality. Situation for transparency in some region through remote monitoring is getting mature. Some countries in Asia already have experience, technologies, and facilities on remote monitoring. It can be easily converted into remote monitoring for transparency with no or minor efforts. This initiative is often subject to political negotiation procedures, which often bar its progress. It is suggested to start as joint international projects to test applicability of remote monitoring among countries concerned and share surveillance data with other participating countries. As a measure of confidence building, remote monitoring can be an effective tool for transparency.