A Regulatory Approach of Integrating and Managing MPC&A Elements

Don Wentz - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Yuri Goncharenko - Russian Navy
Michael P. O'Brien - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Nikolai Yurasov - Russian Federation Ministry of Defense
W. Kilmartin - U.S. Department of Energy
Sergei Zverev - Russian Ministry of Defense
The United States and the Russian Federation entered into a cooperative agreement in 1994 that resulted in a non-proliferation program within the United States (US) Department of Energy (DOE). The program has matured from primarily material protection control and accounting (MPC&A) upgrades at Russian sites to now include measures for Russian MPC&A infrastructure and management practices with multiple Russian ministries. Currently, the DOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Office Of International Material Protection And Cooperation, NA- 25, collaboration with the Russian Federation includes the development of MPC&A regulations for the Ministry of Defense (MoD). This is a significant step in the DOE-MoD cooperation and serves as the foundation for long-term sustainability of the site enhancements initiated to protect nuclear material and nuclear weapons. This paper describes the integrated, systematic and standard approach toward modernizing the MPC&A regulatory base within the MoD and its service organizations. The regulatory architecture includes Russian Federation and Russian Ministry of Defense MPC&A general requirements, standards, directives, and regulations, as well as implementation manuals and handbooks. It also incorporates inspection regulation and guides for each MPC&A element for enforcement of the revised regulatory base. A system for maintaining and distributing regulatory guidance is being created to enhance effective transition from single topic specific regulations to the new integrated regulations and ensure effective long-term maintenance of the regulatory base. The revised regulatory architecture emphasizes management of MPC&A and performance based implementation of MPC&A elements.