A nuclear program has an inherent dichotomy, peaceful use to generate energy and its potential to be converted into military use. East Asia, especially Northeast Asia, has extensive nuclear programs and facilities. Europe, another nuclear concentrated region, already established a regional cooperation regime, EURATOM, about half a century ago. In East Asia, concepts for regional cooperation have been advanced over the last 30 years, such as ASIATOM. However their developments have been sluggish. The importance of regional cooperation is recognized to reduce cross-border tensions arising from nuclear activities; but taking necessary actions are not possible to doubts on the workability of the proposed concepts. As a realistic alternative, in the region, technology based regional cooperation, is being made to enhance transparency. This phenomenon was named Technical Atomic Energy Community: TECATOM as an analogy of ASIATOM. It is not as comprehensive as ASIATOM covers, but it is a practical approach. Various technologies can be considered. Initially remote monitoring is being adapted. Remote monitoring can show transparency transmitting vivid images of nuclear activities in near real time utilizing its low intrusiveness features. Korea/US, and Japan/US are exchanging images of some facilities respectively. And Korea and Japan are working together to complete their frameworks for image exchange, which will provide momentum to transparency in the region. And mailbox technology is more active approach, and its use can be considered to upgrade transparency in TECATOM.