Radioactive materials play a critical role in medical, industrial, and commercial applications. However, there are individuals who seek these materials for use in a “dirty bomb”. The National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Radiological Security (ORS) works to enhance global security by preventing the use of high activity radioactive materials in acts of terrorism. ORS accomplishes this mission through three strategies: Protect, Reduce, and Remove. ORS’s Protect program recognizes that there are cases where it is not feasibly practical to utilize a nonradioisotope-based device in order to maintain or improve technical capability while achieving permanent reduction in the risks associated with the malevolent use of radioactive materials. ORS promotes the security enhancements of these devices through site physical security and operations assessment, acquisition and installation of technically advanced security systems hardware, software and operational training. ORS provides full funding during the initial phase of hardware and software installation and training, including limited warranty periods. By working closely with site management, ORS ensures that these security enhancements are integrated into existing systems and operations, with limited disruptions to normal operations. By facilitating physical security enhancements, ORS complements its security mission by reducing the risk of high-activity radioactive materials being used in acts of terrorism.