Recovering START Institutional Knowledge

M.W. Johnson - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J. E. Doyle - Los Alamos National Laboratory
C. L. Murphy - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Renewed interest in arms-control treaties with Russia, following the model of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty of 1986 and the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) of 1991, calls for an understanding of technical measures for on-site inspection (OSI) and verification used on the ancestral treaties, and R&D conducted to enable such measures. Because many of the personnel involved in the preparations for INF and START have reached or are nearing retirement, there is a need to record knowledge of the R&D before the possessors of that knowledge are lost. In this paper we summarize technical measures to support INF and START OSI, and examine the lessons learned as the R&D was undertaken.