In order to maintain effective and efficient safeguards over time, the IAEA continues to address new challenges, taking into account experience gained from previous safeguards implementation and taking advantage of new techniques and technologies. In recent years the IAEA has continued to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of safeguards by making greater use of its ability to consider a State’s nuclear and nuclear-related activities and capabilities as a whole, within the scope of the State’s safeguards agreement. In doing so, more systematic consideration has been given to, and better use made of, State-specific factors in updating and developing State-level safeguards approaches (SLAs) for all States with safeguards agreements, beginning with the updating of SLAs for States under integrated safeguards. By the end of May 2017, the IAEA has updated SLAs for 53 States (and Taiwan, China) with comprehensive safeguards agreements and additional protocols in force, for which the broader conclusion1 had been drawn, and for thirteen other States. This process has been carried out in close consultation with the States involved, particularly on the implementation of in-field measures. In order to ensure that SLAs are developed in a consistent and non-discriminatory manner, the IAEA uses uniform processes and well-defined procedures to guide the development and implementation of the SLAs. Based on the experience gained, there has been further development and documentation of internal procedures, guidance and tools, and adjustments to the training programme. This paper provides an overview of the IAEA’s experience to date in the updating and development of SLAs and the further development of internal guidance and procedures based on lessons learned.