Over the past few years, changes in the global threat and the resulting national initiatives have had a profound effect on the Department of Energy (DOE) mission and programs. These changes have especially impacted on the Department's nuclear safeguards and security program. The result of these changes have been changes in threat, new executive and Departmental initiatives, and statutes that influence DOE protection program policy and operations. In addition, technology development has influenced the direction of safeguards and security policy recently due to improved capabilities for controlling and accounting for nuclear materials and classified matter. Special audits, safeguards and security task force reviews, and resource reviews have also identified issues which have resulted in changes in the implementation of safeguards and security. Many of these changes have been directed at increasing cost-effectiveness and efficiencies in order to meet challenges of declining budgets DOE mission. and the changing The Office of Safeguards and Security has been actively involved in updating DOE safeguards and security policies to address many of the changes and challenges discussed above. As of July 1993, most of the Departmental safeguards and security orders have been modified and approved through the Departmental Directives System. Among these is DOE Order 5633.3A, CONTROL AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS (2-12-93). This presentation discusses recent changes in materials control and accountability (MC&A) policy with particular emphasis on policy changes that have the potential for cost and resource savings and improved safeguards effectiveness.