RADTRAN 6: Changes from RADTRAN 5

Ruth Weiner - Sandia National Laboratories
David Chanin - Sandia National Laboratories
The RADTRAN program and code was initially developed by Sandia National Laboratories for NUREG-0170 [1]. The current version, RADTRAN 5 [3] is being used in virtually all radioactive materials transportation risk analysis, and was used extensively for the Final Envornmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Yucca Mountain high-level radioactive waste respository [2]. In response to both comments from RADTRAN 5 users and the changing needs of the transportation risk assessment community, RADTRAN 6 is currently being developed. Some improvements are being incorporated into a version of RADTRAN5, RADTRAN 5_PC. The most important improvements are: (1) a Windows-compatible graphical user interface that generates a RADTRAN input file, (2) a downloadable RADTRAN executable that can be run locally, (3) an expanded radionuclide library, (4) a dynamic atmospheric dispersion model, and (5) a much-improved loss-of-shielding model.