Radio Propagation Analyses in Support of MPC&A Upgrades

Brian Kaldenbach - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A. Grigoriev - Russian Research Center of Kurchatov Institute
L. David Lambert - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Karen Kaldenbach - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Bruce Pentola - U.S. Department of Energy
Radio communications is one of the many elements aiding in the protection of nuclear materials by increasing the probability of interruption and allowing adequate time for responders to neutralize an adversary. However, if radio signals cannot penetrate the area requiring protection, the benefit is limited. Radio propagation analysis is an invaluable tool in determining the coverage of a radio system before it is ever built. This allows designers to analyze numerous radio sites, designs, and antenna configurations so that the system installed provides maximum coverage. In decades past, radio propagation analysis was a tedious and laborious task left for the highly specialized radio systems engineer. Typically the results of such an analysis required a great deal of understanding in themselves. With the advent of high performance personal computers and readily available geographical information systems data, today's technical toolsets and capabilities allow radio systems engineers to perform more analyses in greater detail and produce results that can be easily related to tactical response planning. The tactical benefits of propagation analysis include allowing radio system administrators, operators, and tactical response planners to understand any areas of weakness, thereby allowing either the addition of other communications capabilities or modifying tactical response procedures. The result is response forces with improved communications capabilities which will enhance their ability to protect the nuclear material. This paper will demonstrate the effectiveness of radio propagation analysis in support of MPC&A physical protection upgrades and how it relates to tactical response planning.