Radiation Signature Training Device Gamma Equivalent Spheres

Chris Scott Blessinger - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
Linda Paschal - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mike Dion - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge
Jared Johnson - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge
Jon Garrison - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Radiation signature training device sources are a continuation of a previous effort to produce a highly enriched uranium equivalent sphere. The original research was designed and motivated to produce a Department of Transportation special form source that emulated the passive gamma signature of a solid metal highly enriched uranium sphere. In addition, the mass reduction (i.e., of the 235 U) minimized logistical costs (security, criticality safety, radiological safety and transportation requirements). Radiation signature training device sources expand on the original concept, redesigning the encapsulation in a modular fashion that allows a variety of loadings. The result is a reconfigurable special nuclear material source set that can vary greatly in the magnitude of the gamma flux and the isotopic distribution. Use of the source to test a variety of standards (N42.34-2015, N42.38-2015, N42.43-2015, N42.53-2018, N42.48-2018, DHS-TCS Backpack Based Radiation Detection Systems, DHS-TCS Handheld Instruments Used for the Detection and Identification of Radionuclides, DHS-TCS Vehicle Mounted Mobile Systems) will be discussed.